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NOVEMBER 18-21, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, LA
The Renaissance Nashville Hotel
The Proof is in the Pudding - Demonstrating Whats Possible
Wednesday, November 15
9:00 am - 10:30 am

QAP: The Quality and Audit Program for the Hygiene Product Industry

Within the supply chains for hygiene products many quality audits are conducted on an ongoing basis. As there are multiple quality standards in use, audits made by converters often result in duplicated efforts for a single supplier. Suppliers face multiple audits against standards which are essentially similar and only differing in the details, causing confusion.

This can be addressed with a voluntary minimum standard, which can deal with the industry need to focus on verifying and ensuring quality requirements rather than formalities.


ยป Ralf Veltman

Enterprise Partnership Manager, BSI


Ralf provides organizations with strategic advice on key topics such as sustainability, digital trust, quality, and health, safety & wellbeing. He has been highly involved in the QAP project team as commercial lead at BSI.